In Memory

Sr. (Mary) Lucy Thompson

Sister Mary Lucy Thompson died September 3 at the Motherhouse Infirmary in the 77th year of her religious life.

Sister Lucy was born in Ponemah, IL and received her elementary education in public school and at St. Joseph School in Edina, MO where she also graduated from high school. She obtained her Bachelor Degree in English at Mt. St. Mary College in Los Angeles.

Sister Lucy's early teaching assignments were in the West and Southwest at Holy Name School in Los Angeles, St. Ignatius School in El Paso, St. Joseph School in Taos, NM and Our Lady of Sorrows School in West Las Vegas, NM.

Other Assignments were at St. Paul the Apostle School in Pine Lawn, MO, St. Peter's and St. Mary's Schools in Rockford, IL, St. James School in Highwood, IL, Immaculate Conception School in Highland Park, IL and St. Mary's School in Sterling, IL.

Sister Lucy spent six years at Loretto Academy in Kansas City as a tutor and in 1979 joined the tutoring staff at Rhodes Tutoring Center in Littleton, CO. In 1994, she retired to Loretto Motherhouse Infirmary.

May who lived with Sister Lucy describe her as a "community person" who would perform acts of kindness for others without fanfare. She supported new educational trends and had the courage to speak to her convictions. Thank you for your life in Loretto, Sister Lucy, we are grateful for the ways your life touched ours as well as so many others. May you rest in peace.
