Alice Amick (Teacher)

Profile Updated: December 29, 2008
Residing In: Kansas City, MO USA
Occupation: French teacher
Yes! Attending Reunion

After practicing law for twenty years, I returned to teaching French in 2000. Currently, I teach French in Kansas City at the high school and college levels.

School Story:

I will never forget my Loretto years (1977-79) as a young French teacher. If I had not been there, I don't know that I would believe that such a visionary community of learning could exist. There are so many good memories: singing French Christmas carols on the Plaza with my first class of eighth graders (who left a rabbit in my bathtub as a thank you gift!); the happy chatter of multiple French and Spanish classes taking place in one large room, separated only by sheets hanging from a clothesline; the Middle School cubbies made from recycled ice cream cartons; the day my five-year-old South Pod students started barking like dogs as if on cue ... to name a few!
